As the context still does not allow to meet in person, a series of 4 WASH online seminars will be organised between March and September 2021.
This year, the WASH working group webinars will be the occasion to:
- Showcase countries’ progress in the implementation of the WASH pillar of their National Cholera Control Plans;
- Review progress made on research projects on WASH that contribute to the global roadmap and discuss priority research topics based on the Cholera Roadmap Research Agenda;
- Critically review emerging tools, strategies and approaches aimed to support the implementation of WASH in countries.
Download the concept note
Webinar 1: Role of WASH interventions in Cholera control: focus on Zanzibar
Wednesday, March 24, 2021 – 15:00-16:00 (CET)
- Showcase progress in the implementation of the WASH pillar of the National Cholera Control Plans of Zanzibar;
- Identify good practices and bottlenecks in WASH programming for Cholera Control by sharing lessons learned;
- Provide a platform for exchange among stakeholders actively involved in Cholera Control.
Download the webinar 1 program
Download the webinar 1 report
Webinar 2: Role of WASH interventions in Cholera control: focus on Zambia
Wednesday, April 12, 2021 – 15:00 (CEST)
- Showcase progress in the implementation of the WASH pillar of the National Multi-sectoral Cholera Elimination Plan of Zambia;
- Identify good practices and bottlenecks in WASH programming for Cholera Control by sharing lessons learned;
- Provide a platform for exchange among stakeholders actively involved in Cholera Control;
- Discuss opportunities and challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic for cholera control in Zambia.
Download the webinar 2 program
Download the webinar 2 report
Webinar 3: Update on research impacting WASH for Cholera control
Wednesday, July 7, 2021 – 15:00 (CEST)
- Take stock of new developments in the field of research on WASH and Cholera;
- Identify gaps, define priority needs and potential partners for research on topics related to
WASH for Cholera Control and Elimination;
- Present the Research Agenda of the GTFCC, with a special focus on WASH related topics.
Download the webinar 3 program
Download the webinar 3 report
Download the webinar 3 speaker biosketches
Webinar 4: WASH Working Group meeting
Wednesday, September 29, 2021 – 13:00 – 15:00 (CEST)
- Review and take stock of the WASH Working Group workplan;
- Update members of the group on all 5 workstreams, and discuss the priority areas of work which the group wants to prioritise in the next year (2021 and 2022);
- Collectively decide on which 2-3 work areas to prioritise and plan resource allocation;
- Create shared ownership of priority work areas through the development of sub-working groups, to be led by WG members volunteering for the task.
Download the webinar 4 program
Download the webinar 4 report