Priority Areas for Multisectoral Interventions (PAMIs)

Technical guidance

Principles & methods

The identification of Priority Areas for Multisectoral Interventions (PAMIs) is of critical importance to target national cholera control and elimination strategies along the principles of the Global Roadmap to End Cholera.

GTFCC introduction to PAMIs

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There are two GTFCC methods for the identification of PAMIs:

  • identification of PAMIs for cholera control
  • identification of PAMIs for cholera elimination

Access frequently asked questions on the identification of PAMIs in:

Frequently asked questions on the identification of PAMIs

Identification of PAMIs for cholera control

Identification of PAMIs for cholera control is for countries with moderate to high cholera transmission, helping them identify geographic units with highest cholera burden to develop a National Cholera Plan (NCP) for cholera control.

Identification of PAMIs for cholera control

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Identification of PAMIs for cholera elimination

Identification of PAMIs for cholera elimination is for countries with no to limited cholera transmission, helping them identify geographic units more vulnerable to cholera (re)emergence to develop a National Cholera Plan (NCP) for cholera elimination.

Identification of PAMIs for cholera elimination

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Access all GTFCC resources for the identification of PAMIs for cholera elimination in:

GTFCC PAMI reviews

Upon request of National Authorities, the GTFCC performs independent technical reviews to determine whether PAMIs were identified in accordance with the GTFCC PAMI methods.

All countries can benefit from a GTFCC PAMI review, and PAMIs reviews are required for countries planning to request OCV for preventive use and/or to submit an NCP for GTFCC endorsement.

GTFCC PAMI reviews

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Questions or requests for technical support on PAMI identification can be addressed to