Identification of Priority Areas for Multisectoral Interventions (PAMIs) for cholera elimination

Technical guidance

The identification of Priority Areas for Multisectoral Interventions (PAMIs, formerly referred to as ‘hotspots’) for cholera elimination is among the first steps for countries to develop or revise a National Cholera Plan (NCP) for cholera elimination. This might correspond to countries where cholera outbreaks were reported in less than five percent of the NCP operational geographic units of the country over at least the past five years.

PAMIs identification

The method recommended by the GTFCC for the identification of PAMIs for cholera elimination is presented in a guidance document.

Guidance Document

To facilitate PAMIs identification, countries are encouraged to use an Excel-based tool and the corresponding step-by-step user guide.

User Guide

Identification Tool

An Excel-based tool should be considered in conjunction with a data model template to structure the data to be imported into the tool.

Template report

Data Model Template

Training dataset

Users are provided with one training dataset to familiarize themself in the manipulation of the Excel-based tool.

Questions and requests for technical support for PAMIs identification can be addressed to

Video tutorials on the PAMI Excel tool

Get ready to use the PAMI Excel tool

Upload data in the PAMI Excel tool

Explore the outputs of the PAMI Excel tool

Interim Guidance Document on National Cholera Plan

PAMI identification is critical to maximize the potential impact of NCP implementation on cholera elimination. An Interim Guiding Document is available for countries to integrate PAMI identification results in the development or the revision of their National Cholera Plan (NCP).