Cholera Research Tracker Submission Form

An online platform for openly sharing information on current and recently completed research projects relevant to cholera prevention, control and elimination.

The aim is to spread awareness of the excellent and exciting cholera research occurring around the world so that the knowledge, evidence and tools produced can be used to help achieve the Global Roadmap goals. Longer-term, the Tracker can be used to support collaborations, to monitor progress against the Research Agenda and to enable everyone to view research trends, knowledge and funding gaps so that resources can be used effectively.

Contact GTFCC Cholera Research Tracker team

Please use this form to submit information about cholera-related research projects which have already received funding where you are a lead or co-lead / investigator. You may submit one project at a time, or several in one go, and you can return to the form at any time to submit another project.

How we’re defining research

We are looking to capture any project, or component of a project, which seeks to gain new or improved knowledge, evidence and understanding that may aid cholera prevention and control decision-making and action.

Examples include (but aren’t limited to):

  • monitoring and/or evaluating the use, uptake or effectiveness of interventions as part of implementation;
  • RCTs, discovery science, community engagement and social science research;
  • systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

It may be helpful to havethe following information available at the start:

  • your nameas a lead investigator;
  • the institution where you work;
  • the title of the research project;
  • the location where the research is being conducted;
  • the funding source;
  • a summary of the objectives and methods being used;
  • the names and affiliations of co-investigators and collaborations.

The more information you can provide, the better!

Before appearing the Tracker database, theinformation you submit will go through quality control processing e.g. to standardise data entries and align if the same project is entered by two co-leads.

We are not collecting research project data, results or costs. We are collecting your email address so that you may be contacted to confirm your entry has been added to the database, and to ask any questions relating to your entry. Your email addresses will not be made publicly available on the Cholera Research Tracker unless you have provided optional consent specifically for this purpose. If you do consent to including your email address as part of the public profile of your research project, you may request that it be removed at any time by contacting

Thank you very much for your participation, and we will endeavour to make this resource a useful and interesting tool for all.For more information about how the data you enter will be stored and used, please download the Privacy Policy.

If you would like to update an existing project already on the Research Tracker, please email:

Where do you work?

Your email will not be published on the Cholera Research Tracker without your consent. We will use email addresses to confirm project submission and to provide and enable updates.

Do you consent to adding the above email address to your research project entry so that the email address is publicly available on the Cholera Research Tracker? If you do consent, you may request that it be removed from the Cholera Research Tracker at any time by contacting

Do you consent to being contacted to receive email updates about the Cholera Research Tracker? Should you wish to unsubscribe from these communications at any time, please email

Please use the following sections to add information on a current or recently completed (within the last 5 years) research project where you are the lead or co-lead / investigator. We are aiming to capture high-level research activity, funding and collaborations and so research projects should correspond to an overall study. Multiple funding sources and publications can be associated with the same project entry.

Best approximate date

Best approximate date

It is possible to add several funders


If this project is supported by multiple sources, please include additional information about which components are supported by which funder or if it is joint-funding.

Please select Global for research projects generating knowledge or evidence that is not specific to a particular country(ies) but has general or global significance. Please select “countries” if your research project collects data or evidence from one or more specific country.

Where the research is being conducted. Please include city / district / region as this will help is make the map accurate. It is possible to add several countries.


Please select the Pillars / areas of research this project best aligns with. You may choose multiple options. Under each selected Pillar, please list the specific intervention(s) / tool(s). For example: Vaccines = Euvichol. WASH = hand-washing, Epidemiology = sero-surveillance

Please include details on objectives, methodology, study design and population as appropriate.

Suitable for a non-expert audience

1-2 sentences on how the evidence from this project may aid decision-making for cholera prevention and control

Please enter up to 5 keywords associated with the project. Try to avoid words in the project title.

The name and organisation of any Co-Investigators involved in this project e.g. co-leads; individuals named on the grant; senior researchers actively involved with the project Please ensure all named collaborators have agreed for you to share their details with us, including for their names to be published on the Research Tracker. Separate names and organisations with a comma, and then each entry with a semi-colon.

Institutions, agencies, NGOs, government departments etc. that you are collaborating with on this project. This may include more informal arrangements, or situations where collaborators are not involved with the designing or conducting the research but where their collaboration is important for the success of the project. Separate lists of collaborating institutions with a semi-colon.



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