Public health surveillance for cholera

Technical guidance

GTFCC’s Public health surveillance for cholera – 2024 Guidance document sets out the minimum recommendations for countries to implement adaptive, fit-for-purpose cholera surveillance. Cholera surveillance aims to generate reliable and timely evidence; this is needed to support the early detection of and response to cholera outbreaks, to guide the development of targeted multisectoral strategies for cholera control and elimination, and to track progress towards the goals set in Ending Cholera – A Global Roadmap to 2030. Links to the guidance document and its supporting materials can be found below.

Guidance document

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Supporting materials for cholera surveillance

The following supporting materials have been developed for countries to use in implementing cholera surveillance in accordance with the minimum recommendations set out in the GTFCC guidance document.

Template cholera case report form

This template cholera surveillance case report form can be used to collect minimum standard case-based data on any patient meeting the applicable definition of a suspected cholera case at any health facility, at any point in time.

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Example of a cholera line list (Excel tool)

This tool can be used to support the collection and reporting of minimum standard case-based data on all suspected cholera cases detected at the health facility level.

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Template community-based surveillance reporting form

This template community-based cholera surveillance reporting form can be used in collecting daily aggregate data on individuals meeting the applicable definition of a suspected cholera case or death in the community.

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Template cholera case investigation form

The template form below can be used to collect information on a suspected cholera case during a case investigation.

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Excel tool for calculating weekly cholera incidence thresholds

The following Excel tool can be used to automate the calculation of weekly cholera incidence thresholds used to detect the deterioration of a probable or confirmed cholera outbreak.

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Assessment of cholera surveillance

Countries are encouraged to periodically self-assess their cholera surveillance system and strategies using the GTFCC recommended method.

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Questions and requests for technical support for cholera surveillance can be addressed to .