Project timeline: 15/02/2021 - 26/02/2021
Prof. David Sack
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
UNICEF - United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund
The project is to gain an understanding of the epidemiology of cholera in the Great Lakes Region – Africa to develop tailored prevention investment plans in identified hotspots of Uganda, Tanzania and Burundi.
Specifically, the project is designed to 1) identify hotspots in these countries, 2) develop factsheets on cholera to guide preparedness, 3) and prepare investment plans for for these hotspots. Notably, UNICEF has a method for hotspot mapping which is different from the GTFCC; thus maps using these two methods are presented and compared.
Analyze the epidemiology of cholera in Uganda, Tanzania, and Burundi to prepare hotspot maps and attempt to identify factors that influence cholera rates in these hotspot areas. Based on the identification of these hotspots, the project should prepare recommendations for cholera control using an integrated approach. Eventually, this should result in an investment plan.
The countries should be able to use this information in preparing their National Cholera Control Plans.
Amanda Debes
UNICEF country offices & Ministries of Health of Burundi, Tanzania & Uganda