Epidemiology and ecology of Vibrio Cholerae in Africa

Epidemiology surveillance - Laboratory surveillance Tanzania - Cameroon completed

Project timeline: 01/04/2017 - 31/03/2022

Lead Researcher

Prof. David Sack

Organisation / Institution

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


NIH - National Institutes of Health

Project summary

This collaborative project between Johns Hopkins University; University of Maryland; University of Florida, Ministry of Health, United Republic of Tanzania, M.A. Sante, Yaoundé, Cameroon, and the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control will describe the molecular epidemiology of cholera in Tanzania and Cameroon to determine the degree to which cholera in these countries originates locally or is introduced from outside and is
transmitted widely.

Lay summary

This study is attempting to characterize the epidemiology in these cholera endemic countries in Africa.

Potential for public health impact or global health decision-making

This study attempts to provide a more complete understanding of cholera epidemiology in Africa.


Amanda Debes
Moise Ngwa
Jerome Ateudjieu
Tochi Okwor

Key Collaborators

MA Sante, Cameroon
Centre for Disease Control, Abuja, Nigeria