Effect of extended dose intervals on the iImmune response to oral cholera vaccine in Cameroon

Community engagement - Vaccines Cameroon completed

Project timeline: 07/12/2019 - 31/05/2021

Lead Researcher

Prof. David Sack

Organisation / Institution

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Project summary

This project will compare the vibriocidal titers in subjects who receive a second dose of oral cholera vaccine (Shanchol), two weeks, 6 months or 11.5 months after the first dose. The primary outcome is the geometric mean vibriocidal titer two weeks after the second dose. Additional follow-up serum samples will determine the persistence of the vibriocidal titers.

Potential for public health impact or global health decision-making

This will provide guidance when the second dose of OCV is delayed.


Amanda Debes
Jerome Ateudjieu

Key Collaborators

MA Santé