Resources : Export

Title Intervention Resource type Document type
Multi-country outbreak of cholera, External situation report #16 – July 18, 2024ArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera external situation report #15 – June 19, 2024ArrayArray
Template for National Cholera PlansArrayArray
Target Product Profile for a molecular test for surveillance of choleraArrayArray
GTFCC laboratory referral and results reporting formsArrayArray
Specimen collection, preparation and packaging for transportArrayArray
Isolation and presumptive identification of Vibrio cholerae O1/O139 from fecal specimensArrayArray
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing for treatment and control of choleraArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera external situation report #14 – May 16, 2024ArrayArray
Assessment of cholera surveillanceArrayArray
Priority Areas for Multisectoral Interventions (PAMIs)ArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera external situation report #13 – April 17, 2024ArrayArray
Target product profile for a rapid diagnostic test for surveillance of cholera outbreaksArrayArray
Public health surveillance for choleraArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera external situation report #12 – March 14, 2024ArrayArray
GTFCC fixed ORP interim guidance and planningArrayArray
GTFCC Guidance on integrating community engagement in National Cholera PlansArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera, External situation report #11 – February 12, 2024ArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera, External situation report #10 – January 11, 2024ArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera, External situation report #9 – December 7, 2023ArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera, External situation report #8 – November 2, 2023ArrayArray
CSP Operational Highlights Update October 2023ArrayArray
Identification of Priority Areas for Multisectoral Interventions (PAMIs) for cholera eliminationArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera, External situation report #7 – October 5, 2023ArrayArray
GTFCC Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) DashboardArrayArray
Nigeria CSP cholera trailerArrayArray
CSP Operational Highlights Biannual Update January – June 2023ArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera, External situation report #6 – September 6, 2023ArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera, External situation report #5 – August 4, 2023ArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera, External situation report #4 – July 6, 2023ArrayArray
The climate crisis and cholera: integrating data and research to inform decision makingArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera external situation report #3 – June 1, 2023ArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera external situation report #2 – May 15, 2023ArrayArray
Identification of Priority Areas for Multisectoral Interventions (PAMIs) for cholera controlArrayArray
Multi-country outbreak of cholera external situation report #1 – March 28, 2023ArrayArray
GTFCC interim cholera regional & global reporting technical recommendationsArrayArray
GTFCC interim cholera regional & global reporting templateArrayArray
Risk factors of cholera mortality: a scoping reveiwArrayArray
GTFCC Steering Committee statementArrayArray
Environmental surveillance for cholera controlArrayArray
Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) for cholera detectionArrayArray
Steering Committee Meeting Report – June 15, 2021ArrayArray
Administration of the Oral Cholera Vaccine (OCV) during the COVID-19 pandemicArrayArray
Cholera kit calculation toolArrayArray
Cholera Roadmap Research AgendaArrayArray
Interim technical note on the treatment of cholera in pregnant womenArrayArray
Interim guiding document to support countries for the development of their National Cholera PlanArrayArray
GTFCC Online Cholera Outbreak Response Field ManualArrayArray
GTFCC Steering Committee Virtual Meeting – September 8, 2020ArrayArray
GTFCC Steering Committee Meeting – December 2, 2019ArrayArray
GTFCC Steering Committee Teleconference – October 8, 2019ArrayArray
GTFCC Steering Committee Teleconference – July 5, 2019ArrayArray
GTFCC Country Support Platform Terms of ReferenceArrayArray
Framework for decision-making: implementation of mass vaccination campaigns in the context of COVID-19ArrayArraydocument
GTFCC Steering Committee Statement on Cholera & COVID-19ArrayArraydocument
Cholera AppArrayArraytool
GTFCC Cholera Outbreak Response Field ManualArrayArrayall
GTFCC Working Groups Terms of ReferenceArrayArraydocument
GTFCC Operational ModelArrayArraydocument
Ending Cholera: Global Roadmap to 2030ArrayArraypresentation
Treatment of children with cholera and severe acute malnutrition (SAM)ArrayArrayjob-aid
GTFCC Steering Committee Terms of ReferenceArrayArraydocument
GTFCC Independent Review Panel Terms of ReferenceArrayArraydocument
Technical note on water, sanitation and hygiene and infection prevention and control in Cholera treatment structuresArrayArraydocument
Technical note on the use of antibiotics for the treatment and control of choleraArrayArraydocument
GTFCC technical note on the organization of case management during a cholera outbreakArrayArraydocument
Interim technical note on an introduction of DNA-based identification and typing methods to public health practitioners for epidemiological investigation of cholera outbreaksArrayArraydocument
Interim technical note on use of cholera rapid diagnostic testsArrayArraydocument
Generic Protocol for vaccine effectiveness post implementation of a reactive mass vaccination campaign with oral cholera vaccineArrayArraydocument
Generic Protocol for vaccine coverage post implementation of a mass vaccination campaign with oral cholera vaccineArrayArraydocument
Monitoring and evaluation of AEFI during OCV mass vaccination campaignsArrayArraydocument
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) surveys during cholera vaccination campaignsArrayArraydocument
Information on monitoring and evaluationArrayArraydocument
GAVI operational cost budget templateArrayArrayrequest-form
OCV request formArrayArrayrequest-form
Request form to access IGC support & annexesArrayArrayrequest-form
OCV in mass immunization campaigns: guidance for planning and useArrayArraydocument
Technical note on the evidence of the risks and benefits of vaccinating pregnant women with WHO pre-qualified cholera vaccines during mass campaignsArrayArraydocument
Technical note on the use of oral cholera vaccines for international workers and travelers to and from cholera-affected countriesArrayArraydocument
Cholera kit information noteArrayArraydocument
Cholera kit contentArrayArraytool
Cholera kit calculation tool training videoArrayArraywebsite
Terms of Reference of the GTFCCArrayArraydocument
Introduction to choleraArrayArraywebsite
A call to end choleraArrayArrayvideo
Cholera in 2018ArrayArrayvideo
A call to action: launching the Global Roadmap to 2030ArrayArraydocument
Cholera fact sheetArrayArraywebsite
Declaration to Ending CholeraArrayArraydocument